“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. ”
My first teacher said, "the hardest thing you'll ever learn is how to relax." No kidding! I'm still working on it too. Relaxation is the foundation of all practices and also something we want to integrate into our whole life. It helps our body, mind and soul. So take some time with this concept. Explore what it means for you. Relaxation is not "flop on the couch relaxation," but a process, even an active process that goes deeply inside - into your bones & internal organs and DNA. Become intentional about your relaxation, find methods you like. I'll introduce several here and we will refer to this topic often. Remember, the idea is to be natural in your practice; don't force relaxation! Have fun, be at ease. Enjoy your process and your life.
Relaxation Sequence from Muscle Tendon Changing Classic
The purpose of this particular sequence is to give you some very specific instructions to think about while you are relaxating. Having some specifics will help to focus your mind. Later you won't have to think so much, it will be natural. From a Chinese Medical point of practice, this sequence will help energy to move through a Qi Vessel Meridian called the Chong Mai. The Chong Mai is the leading path for overall circulation from head to feet, from back to front, from inside to the outside.
Stand or sit comfortably and follow the relaxation sequence. Breathe naturally and keep focused.
1. Relax The Front of your body: Beginning at the top of your head, think about each body part sequentially, each time taking an in and out breath before moving to the next.
Start at the top of head→ fore head → eyes → front neck → chest → belly → front thighs → both feet.
2. Relax the Back of your body: Beginning at the top of your head, think about each body part sequentially, each time taking an in and out breath before moving to the next.
Start at the top of the Head → back head → back neck → back → waist → hip → back thighs → back calves → both feet.
3. Relax both the Left and Right sides of your body: Beginning at the top of your head, think about each body part sequentially, each time taking an in and out breath before moving to the next.
Start at the top of the Head → both sides of the head → both sides of the neck → both shoulders → both upper arms → both lower arms → both hands → ten fingers; relax both shoulders again → both armpits → both waist sides → both hip joints → both sides of thighs → both sides of calves → both feet → ten toes
4. Relax through the vertical line through the center of the body. Beginning at the top of your head, think about each body part sequentially, each time taking an in and out breath before moving to the next.
Start from the Nihuan (center of the brain) → throat (center of the neck) → heart (center of the chest) → stomach (center of the upper belly) → back of the navel and front of the kidneys (center of the belly) → Hueiyin (Perineum) → Yongquan (center of the bottom of the feet).
Of #4 it is said:
- Observing the center of the brain internally allows you to have a clear mind that is as clear as the morning dewdrops.
- Going downward with the mind and Qi, observing the throat allows you to feel the relaxation and softness of the neck.
- Going downward with the mind and Qi, observing the heart allows you to have a clever mind, comfortable spirit, happy, and feel the chest is as wide as the sea.
- Going downward with the mind and Qi, observing the stomach allows you to feel the spleen warm and the upper belly very comfortable.
- Going downward with the mind and Qi, observing behind the navel and in front of the kidneys allows you to feel the inside of the belly filled with vital Qi and very relaxed.
- Going downward with the mind and Qi, observing Hueiyin (Perineum) allows you to feel the relaxation and softness of the Hueiyin, which can then relax and soften the whole body.
- Going downward via the insides of both legs with the mind and Qi, observing the Yongquan (center of the bottom of the feet) allows you to feel full of vital energy and blood circulation under the feet.
Repeat several times until you get the hang of it.
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