Nobody ever became good at riding horses by talking about horses.
— Lao Tzu

Masking is optional. Thank you for keeping your vax/boost up-to-date.

We are a 1600’ studio. We have 2 industrial air purifiers and fans and open windows & garage door in the nice weather. There are approximately 12-20 people in each class. Zoom is for ongoing students only who know the material, with the exception of Monday 9:00 am Qigong, which may be attended by all.

Spring 12 Week Schedule:
April 6 - june 30
(No classes June 22, Make up June 30)

Your Discounts Through April 5, or until classes are Full
Beginners Welcome!

1X A WEEK (12 CLASSSES) $295 (regular $325)
UNLIMTIED CLASSES $395 (Regular $425)


To keep Prices in Check by not adding on extra fees for Charge cards and Paypal, ZELLE OR CHECK Preferred, Venmo Ok

Email Kim for addresses

Because we incur costs with each registration and we limit the registration for quality of instruction, once you register, it is your place. Therefore, there are no refunds once registered. You may defer your registration by transferring one session forward or by gifting to another person, within the calendar year, however, you must let us know one week before the series begins, after we cannot transfer. To be fair to all, we make no exceptions unless the case of an extreme health emergency. Contact Kim with questions.

Limited Private Lessons available

$127 cash/Check/Zelle
($100 lesson and room rental $27)

email Kim to schedule

Additional Information:

Pre-registration is Required.

Class fees are payable on or before your first class. All session fees are non-refundable. We operate on a tight margin and limit registration to ensure quality instruction.
You may defer your registered session by one quarter within the calendar year, or transfer it to another person. No exceptions except in the case of extreme health emergency.

Attend classes clean with attention to your overall dress & personal hygiene. Be fragrance & smoke free, including your clothing. No altering substances of any type allowed under any circumstances. Practice with soft soled, non-skid shoes, bare or stocking feet. Wear loose, comfortable clothes. A light meal & good hydration before is advised. Let your instructor know of any health or fitness concerns.

Frequently asked Questions